
This blog will discuss how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be a valuable tool in Public Safety. The Mapping Tech in Public Safety Blog will also be a companion to the podcast of the same name. The purpose of this blog is to introduce non-technical information about GIS  and the…..

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On Scene Preplans

One clever ways view information about an occupancy is to have all of you information in one location.  We saw this in Tumwater, Washington where all of the “critical information” was available in one spot for responding fire companies.  There was location outside the collapse zone (I’m not sure if…..

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Standpipe Identification

One challenges that firefighter sometimes face is identifying which fire department connection is available.  Most often In many cases fire department connections may be buried in bushes, mislabeled, or in disrepair.  Another challenge may also telling apart which FDC is a standpipe connection or sprinkler connection.  There are instances where…..

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