Using Survey123 in the Fire Service

Survey123 is a form based data collection application that is apart of the AGOL/ArcGIS Enterprise platform. It is a customizable application that allows the creator to create user friendly forms for lay user to collect information. It does use a GIS based data layer (feature service) doesn’t rely on location. It can create or edit points, line, and “rough” polygon features. Benefits include
- Can work off line
- Very intuitive. Many of the controls can be modified
- Can calculate values
- Conditional visibility of fields
Below are some screen shots of a hydrant inspection program using Survey123. The workflow starts with identifying or locating a fire hydrant on the map. Then the next step it to edit attribute associated with a fire hydrant such as GPM, manufacturer, date inspected, maintenance required, etc. Then you push the check mark to save the values to the internet based web feature.
A post will follow to provide instructions how to create a hydrant inspection program.